Top 5 Android 10 Features !

Android 10 has set a great hype among the android users for a long time and now when its finally released, let's go ahead and discuss some of the major features and changes it will offer the users.

1)The Cleaner Rebranding

Well this ain't a feature but its a major change that Android is having this year. There ain't gonna be a dessert name for Android this time atleast publically as it makes Android more cleaner and avoids confusion within people of various countries. By the way internally it is going to be called Quince Tart.

2) Integrated Dark Mode 

Google has finally bought a system-wide dark mode and you can enable it from the settings or notification toggle. Goggle has implemented an API (Application Program Interface) which helps apps to shift to the new dark mode. Moreover many third party apps haven't supported this feature but will soon be able to once it releases to more and more devices.

3) Revamped Navigation Gestures

Now we're gonna see some new gestures this year which are quite straight forward but do get some time to get used to. Swipe up from the bottom to go home, swipe up and hold for recent apps, swipe left or right on the bottom line to switch between apps. To go back you'll have to swipe right or left from the edge of the screen in the app interface more likely as MIUI does. To trigger app actions you'll have to swipe in a cross fashion from edge of the screen. 

4) App permissions 

As we all know all apps require certain system permissions to work, this time Google has implemented a new feature through which you can allow apps only to access permissions when they're on i.e. only when you're using them. This helps improve the user privacy as you'll know when an app is monitoring your location or when it is accessing your storage.

5) Live Captions

Now Google has bought up an amzing feature in which you can apply captions to all your videos locally, it doesn't require and active internet connection this is an built in feature. Well this is quite an helpful feature for the ones who are visually challenged. 

Rutvij Hadap

Tech enthusiast, trying my level best to make people understand today's technology in the easiest and the most appealing way possible.

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