Search Engine Marketing

● What is Search Engine Marketing ?

Search Engine Marketing in simple words, can be defined as an effort to increase your rank in SERP i.e. Search Engine Results Page. As we've seen earlier, ranking higher is a key to gain more traffic.

● What is difference between SEM and SEO ?

Now, if a question pops in your mind that what is the differnce between SEO & SEM, well then the main difference is that unlike SEO, Search Engine Marketing involves paid as well as organic search. Which basically means that SEO is a part of Search Engine Marketing. To make it more clear, Search Engine Optimization deals with techniques used to optimize the website to make it rank, you can read more about SEO here.

● Paid Search

Paid Search is a term reffered to paid listings on a particular search engine. Paid listings are shows at the top of the search engine result page weather or weather not they're optimized. Below is a example where you can see where the paid results are shown on a SERP. SEM is based on PPC (Pay-Per-Click) principle, so lets have a look at it.

• Pay Per Click

In the world of search engine marketing, the advertiser is only charged money when his/her ad is clicked upon. This makes the effective use of money in a particular AD campaign which is one of the greatest advantage of digital marketing. It is basically a way to buy visits to your website. You make profit when the user buys something or clicks a advertise on your webpage. For example is some search engine charges you $3 per click and the user ends up buying something from your site worth $100 then in this case you've made a hefty profit.

• Keyword Targeting

Keyword targeting is the most essential part of Search Engine Marketing as the keywords decides when will your ad be triggered for a particular search query. Targeting relevant keywords is the only way to increase the CTR (Click Through Rate) and make more people click your advertise. It also helps you target a audiance with particular interests and will eventually grow your sales as you're presenting them what they're looking for.

● How to plan keywords ?

Planning right keywords for your campaign is the first and most important step to begin. Below are some points to keep in mind while choosing appropriate keywords.

• Relevance

The keywords you use must be related to your content or else your ads will have low conversion rates despite of having a higher bid. You can also use long length keywords instead of short phrases to be more specific.

• Use of negative keywords

Negative keywords are the keywords for which you don't want your ad to be triggered. Use negative keywords wisely to stop triggering you ad for keywords which are not getting conversions and are under performing. 
Rutvij Hadap

Tech enthusiast, trying my level best to make people understand today's technology in the easiest and the most appealing way possible.


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  1. Great post! Search engine marketing is essential for driving targeted traffic and increasing online visibility. For businesses looking to excel in this area, partnering with the best SEO company in Singapore can make a significant difference. An expert SEO company can craft effective strategies, combining both SEO and SEM, to maximize your reach and boost your overall digital marketing performance.
    Read more: best seo company singapore

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